
Saturday, June 5, 2010

[Play] Dating

Hey lovelies!

One of the toughest things about being one of the first gals out of all my friends to have a baby is that I didn't have any mommy friends once the baby came. So what's a girl to do, you ask? Well, during Aiden's first year of life, I did nothing. I played with him all by my lonesome. We we like best buds. Until I realized that I needed some adult conversation in my life... in. order. to. survive!

So when he turned 2 (oh the joys of having a 2-year-old!), I searched for a good Mommy N Me Class and signed him up for Gymboree Play and Music Classes. They're really great! The classes are fun and educational with lots of imaginative play, and the teachers are awesome. If you're looking for something to do with your little one, I highly recommend it. No, they're not paying me for advertising. I've just been really happy with the classes, except for when I desperately want to sleep in on Saturday morning, but that's a whole other post, my friends.

It was super easy for Aiden to make new toddler friends at his very first class. It was like the kids said, "You like to jump; I like to jump; Let's jump together!" And viola -- BFF'S! But for the adults... not so easy! I thought that it was like being on a first date... just with play mats all around. You have to think of what to say, how to say it, when to make a joke, when not to make a joke, when to just smile and nod... it can be totally nerve-racking. And if that's not enough, you have to think of if what you say makes you sound insecure or confident, ignorant or intelligent, competent or cocky... Seriously.

It's been a few months into our Saturday Morning "Dates" and I find it super funny (in a sarcastic and not-at-all funny way) that the kids can make friends with just about all their classmates, yet the mommies are cliquey. And I am also guilty of the clique-ness. It's like after that first date a few months back, we've all decided who we wanted to be friends with and are sticking to our guns. But maybe we can learn a thing or two from our lovely little toddlers. Just some food for thought...

Here's lovely Aiden at the Gymboree:



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