I was not able to post for Thanksgiving because I was just getting over a horrible week of being sick. I was finally able to write once I was feeling better and I hope all of you checked out my post honoring all of the marvelous efforts of moms out there (Moms Rock!).
Thanksgiving Day went pretty well, albeit a bit different. Although we went to my aunt's house late that evening to celebrate her birthday, it was just Aiden and me for most of the day. My blackberry battery died and the charger was broken so I couldn't make or receive phone calls. So it really was just us two. Alone. In the house. On Thanksgiving. A holiday.
In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, I began to feel a bit anxious knowing that it was going to be just us two. And on Thanksgiving Day, I felt a bit melancholy in the morning. But that feeling of gentle sadness slowly passed as the day went on because I actually embraced the day and my single mom status.
Aiden and I made artwork to hang in the house for Thanksgiving.

And I cooked! Yup. I made a whole chicken... all by my lonesome.

I know that making a chicken is not a big deal to some (after all, it's not a turkey or anything), but it is definitely a big deal to me. You see, I used to be seriously cooking-impaired and I'm just beginning to learn the ropes. Needless to say, cooking a whole chicken is kinda a big deal.
As we ate our Thanksgiving Day chicken dinner, I realized that my life is filled with lots of fun and loads of blessings. Moments like those -- where I can take time to appreciate how far I've come, how much love I'm surrounded by, and just how amazing life truly is -- warms my heart.
And I know that I can do this. I can be a single mom. Even on holidays. My son and I can enjoy each other. It can be just us two. Even on holidays.
And we can still make it special.

Hope you guys had a fabulous holiday weekend!