
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just Count To Ten

Since Aiden was born, I've had the pleasure of going to the bathroom with the doors open. Wide open. With all my business out there and on display.

But lately I've been trying to get him accustomed to the fact that people actually go to the bathroom alone by telling him that I need my privacy and by only leaving the doors 1/4 open.

Let's just say it's been an uphill battle. Here's a conversation we had as soon as I walked into the bathroom. Like, I didn't even have the chance to unbutton my jeans yet.

Aiden: [Knocking on bathroom door] Mommy, are you finished with your privacy? 
Me: No, Aiden. Not yet.
Aiden: But.... it's taking a long day! (His version of "It's taking a long time!")
Me: I'm almost done. Just count to ten or something....
Aiden: Alright... here I go... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... Mommy, are you finished yet?
Me: [Trying to pee a little faster] Aiden, you didn't even finish counting to ten!
Aiden: Oh, I forgot! 7, 8, 9, 10!!!
Me: [Still taking care of business] Errr... I'm almost done. Count to ten just one more time.
Aiden: [Counting faster than ever!] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!!
Me: [Smiling] See, I'm all finished.

At least we're incorporating math skills with peeing. Multitasking at its finest? Oh yea!

Ahh, the joys of Motherhood...


  1. Haha! Yes multitasking at its finest :) I was just thinking to myself, with the exception of while I'm at work, my bathroom visits are a little less private. I even have someone who gets me the "paper," as she calls it!

  2. That's hilarious! Glad you don't get stage fright!

  3. bahaha! Math skills with peeing is priceless!

  4. "Mommy, are you finished with your privacy?"

    LMAO that is so cute and hilarious. Why do kids like to follow us into the bathrooms though? It's like if they do not see us for that one second, they freak out. Wait til they're like ten, I bet they won't be trying that then LOL.

  5. LOL this is so cute!!.. Ralphy does the same thing.. He doesn't even let me sit and he's already asking if I'm done.


  6. That is too much! I sorely miss my bathroom privacy. I'll have to remember the counting to ten because you're least they can be learning something while invading your privacy!

  7. Ha! This cracked me up. Peanut still stands in the bathroom with me and actually peeks around back! I have a feeling we'll be having this conversation sometime in the next year, though, too ;)

  8. Hahaha so cute! "Are you finished with your privacy?" HILARIOUS! It's so funny how we adjust to random motherhood things like this. My single friends would think I'm crazy, but rushed peeing with the door open is commonplace in my home too LOL

  9. Haha @ "mommy are you finished with your privacy?" Funniest thing I've heard all day! And probably the fact the he says it's taking you a long "day!" TOO CUTE, Alicia!

  10. Too freakn cute! I need to try the counting thing.

  11. I remember a day way back when, I think it was 2003, when I was able to go to the bathroom all by myself!

  12. Just want to let you know that you won't get your privacy back until he goes away to college!

  13. Hahaha! I've gotten so used to having a bathroom "companion" that it would be weird to go alone again. ;-)

  14. That is too funny. What a great idea to sneak some math, thats brilliant!

  15. He's too cute! I guess next time he'll have to count to 20. When my turn comes around, I'll remember this blog post and laugh.

  16. Ha! Harlan always joins me in the bathroom!

  17. You guys are WAY too funny. As always... the comments outdo the post. xoxo

  18. It doesn't change. My kid is 11 and I'm still snatching up my robe when he just walks into my room. Although they do change. I went into his bathroom one day and he almost snatched down the shower curtains covering up. The joys of motherhood :))


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