Thursday, May 31, 2012
Summer Fashion Finds with $100 eBay Gift Card Giveaway!
The temperatures have been absolutely gorgeous here in NYC and this young, single mama has been celebrating with all things fashion. Whether rocking short shorts or mini dresses, I've been hitting the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan in style. Mommy Delicious style. And in heels. High heels.
What about you? The summer temps call for all kinds of fashion trends -- maxi dresses, color blocked outfits, uuber cute wedges, awesome accessories, and many other "must-haves." These "must-haves" call for an upgrade to your summer wardrobe. Right? Right.
I'm sure your closet (and your body!) will appreciate this wardrobe upgrade. Your wallet, however? Eh, not so much. That presents a problem, my friends.
The solution?
Get extra cash, duh! Seems simple enough, right? Today, the good ol' folks over at eBay and I are going to help you get that extra cash. All you have to do is start cleaning out your closet and start selling old items on eBay. (You know that old coat that you haven't worn in years? Yeah, time to breakup with it.)
If you need help with getting started, check out this post and take notes!
One (1) lucky Mommy Delicious reader will win a $100 eBay gift card! Woot! Want to win?
Leave a comment answering the following question: What is an item that you recently sold on eBay? (Please share your eBay ID with this comment.)
For an extra entry, tweet about this giveaway. Be sure to @MommyDelicious in your tweet.
For another entry, share this giveaway on Facebook. Be sure to tag Mommy Delicious in your post.
-- Please be sure to share your eBay ID in order to be eligible.
-- Please, please, please share your contact information so that I can reach you if you win.
-- Please leave each entry as a separate comment so that it will be counted.
-- Please buy something fabulous with your gift card if you win.
This giveaway ends Thursday, June 14th at which point one winner will be chosen via
Good luck and happy selling!
WINNER ANNOUNCED! Chosen via, the winner is Linda Meyers-Gubbard! Congratulations. Stay tuned for an email from me.
{Disclaimer: As a member of the eBay Parent Ambassador Panel, this post and giveaway is being sponsored by eBay.}
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Single Mom Life
Last year around this time Single Edition Media interviewed me on all things single mom life... and young mom life... and delicious mom life. *Wink* It was pretty interesting answering the questions because it really forced me to be introspective and self-aware. Going back to look at my answers to the questions was even more interesting. Take a look:
Q: Finding love again…How do you know if and when you are ready to introduce someone new into your life?
I would love to start dating again! Got anyone in mind for me? No, seriously… if you know a good catch, send him my way! I feel as though these past few months have been a period of tremendous growth for me – I’ve learned a lot about myself and my worth and all that I have to bring to a relationship. But until that day comes when I will no longer be single, I am enjoying my life. All of it. I’m finishing grad school this May, will continue blogging, and will continue to enjoy motherhood. I have a very lovely life, whether I’m single or attached.
Q: Any other words of wisdom you care to share with our readers?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We only have one life to live so there’s no need for it to be harder than it should be. Reach out to friends and loved ones when you are in need. It took me a long time to learn this, and it is still something that I struggle with, but I am always amazed by how much people are willing to help… if I am willing to let them. Spend time with friends and love that time. Spend time with yourself and self-reflect. It’ll bring you a lot of personal growth. Smile a lot. Flirt a little. Pray often. And have fun because life’s too precious not to.
Read all of the interview HERE.
[Originally published on April 11, 2011]
Q: You were thrust into life “kidnapped into motherhood” soon after graduating from Columbia University. How did you manage to make this transition all on your own at such a young age?
I must admit that it was not an easy transition. I cried a lot and I struggled with the idea of my “new life” a lot. I loved my son and wanted to be the best mother for him, but I longed for my single-girl life. I wanted to spend time with friends and live the seemingly carefree life that they lived, but that was impossible as a new mother. Eventually I came to terms with my new life and it became my new normal. Since then, I’ve learned the importance of creating some sort of balance in my life – I schedule time for friends in the midst of play dates, Gymboree, and all other motherly duties.
I must admit that it was not an easy transition. I cried a lot and I struggled with the idea of my “new life” a lot. I loved my son and wanted to be the best mother for him, but I longed for my single-girl life. I wanted to spend time with friends and live the seemingly carefree life that they lived, but that was impossible as a new mother. Eventually I came to terms with my new life and it became my new normal. Since then, I’ve learned the importance of creating some sort of balance in my life – I schedule time for friends in the midst of play dates, Gymboree, and all other motherly duties.
Q: Most people stay in dead-end relationships but you left the one you were in for your own safety and sanity. Where did you find the courage to break it off given that you had a baby together?
I must admit that I fought hard for the relationship with my son’s father to work. I’m pretty stubborn and I’ve never thought of myself as a quitter. I’ve always felt that effort equals success. Also, I felt as though I’d given up too much already, such as my young, single adult life. So I tried to make it work and I tried to fix what was wrong in my relationship. But I was fighting a loosing battle. My relationship with my ex was broken before I officially broke up with him. Once I came to terms with this and learned to accept the things I could not change, I knew it was time for me to leave. For good. I wanted to be happy and I wanted to be a role model for my son by not staying in a loveless relationship.
I must admit that I fought hard for the relationship with my son’s father to work. I’m pretty stubborn and I’ve never thought of myself as a quitter. I’ve always felt that effort equals success. Also, I felt as though I’d given up too much already, such as my young, single adult life. So I tried to make it work and I tried to fix what was wrong in my relationship. But I was fighting a loosing battle. My relationship with my ex was broken before I officially broke up with him. Once I came to terms with this and learned to accept the things I could not change, I knew it was time for me to leave. For good. I wanted to be happy and I wanted to be a role model for my son by not staying in a loveless relationship.
Q: Looking back, is there any advice you wish someone gave you that you care to share with other young single Moms to be?
Perspective is everything. I certainly could have enjoyed my pregnancy and the first few months of my life as a new mom much more if I only accepted what my new life was. It wasn’t a bad life, just different than what I had planned. It took me a long time to get to this point, but I suppose everything in its time. I guess I had to take this journey, to feel this pain, to overcome this obstacle just so I can help someone else.
Perspective is everything. I certainly could have enjoyed my pregnancy and the first few months of my life as a new mom much more if I only accepted what my new life was. It wasn’t a bad life, just different than what I had planned. It took me a long time to get to this point, but I suppose everything in its time. I guess I had to take this journey, to feel this pain, to overcome this obstacle just so I can help someone else.
I would love to start dating again! Got anyone in mind for me? No, seriously… if you know a good catch, send him my way! I feel as though these past few months have been a period of tremendous growth for me – I’ve learned a lot about myself and my worth and all that I have to bring to a relationship. But until that day comes when I will no longer be single, I am enjoying my life. All of it. I’m finishing grad school this May, will continue blogging, and will continue to enjoy motherhood. I have a very lovely life, whether I’m single or attached.
Q: Any other words of wisdom you care to share with our readers?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We only have one life to live so there’s no need for it to be harder than it should be. Reach out to friends and loved ones when you are in need. It took me a long time to learn this, and it is still something that I struggle with, but I am always amazed by how much people are willing to help… if I am willing to let them. Spend time with friends and love that time. Spend time with yourself and self-reflect. It’ll bring you a lot of personal growth. Smile a lot. Flirt a little. Pray often. And have fun because life’s too precious not to.
Read all of the interview HERE.
[Originally published on April 11, 2011]
Monday, May 28, 2012
{Personal Style} She Likes Short Shorts
Happy Memorial Day lovelies!
The weather's been pretty awesome in NYC this weekend so it's an ideal opportunity for yours truly to break out the short shorts. Saturday night, I headed out to the Lower East Side to celebrate my friend M's birthday (welcome to 28 M!). After dinner and a Drag Queen show, it was time for karaoke!
I had a great time rocking it out to "old school" songs -- Britney's "...Baby One More Time" and "Oops, I Did it Again;" Backstreet Boy's "I Want It That Way;" and N'Sync's "Bye, Bye, Bye." And then there were the newer songs -- Katy Perry's "California Girl," Beyonce's "Single Ladies... Put A Ring On It," and Usher's "OMG."
Talk about a good time! My voice was pretty much gone the next morning, but it was all in the name of some good ol' karaoke fun. I posted a picture of my outfit on Instagram, but in case you missed it, here it is:
Cheers to a very stylish week!
The weather's been pretty awesome in NYC this weekend so it's an ideal opportunity for yours truly to break out the short shorts. Saturday night, I headed out to the Lower East Side to celebrate my friend M's birthday (welcome to 28 M!). After dinner and a Drag Queen show, it was time for karaoke!
I had a great time rocking it out to "old school" songs -- Britney's "...Baby One More Time" and "Oops, I Did it Again;" Backstreet Boy's "I Want It That Way;" and N'Sync's "Bye, Bye, Bye." And then there were the newer songs -- Katy Perry's "California Girl," Beyonce's "Single Ladies... Put A Ring On It," and Usher's "OMG."
Talk about a good time! My voice was pretty much gone the next morning, but it was all in the name of some good ol' karaoke fun. I posted a picture of my outfit on Instagram, but in case you missed it, here it is:
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[blouse, shorts: H&M; necklace: Lia Sophia ring: F21; shoes: Steve Madden] |
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{I look naked under my blouse...} |
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Tips to Keep Kids Safe At Home
Written by Marie Hunter
Keeping your kids safe is your number one priority, so how
do you protect them from the many dangers they face every day? Start by
implementing five safety precautions at home, all of which will foster good
habits in your kids that will last them a lifetime.
1. Wash your hands
Your kids use their hands to play in dirt, eat food and pick
boogies. Fight germs by insisting your children wash their hands thoroughly
with hot, soapy water. While you cannot keep every surface of your home
germ-free, you can stop germs from spreading when you teach your kids to wash
their hands after they use the bathroom, wipe their noses and prior to and
following snacks and mealtime.
2. Serve pure
drinking water
Everyone needs to drink water in order to stay hydrated and
healthy, especially growing children. While kids crave soda and juice, these
beverages contain sugar and dyes. Bottled water is expensive and its bottles
often end up in landfills instead of being recycled.
Tap water contains harmful sediment and bad-tasting chemicals. Solve this
dilemma by installing a clean refrigerator
water filter every six months. The filter traps contaminants and gives your
kids access to fresh, clean water that keeps their thirst quenched.
3. Practice Internet
You can’t always sit beside your kids as they play online
games or research a school project. Invest in a good filter from your Internet service
provider and keep the computer in a public room. Teach your children not to
share personal information like their name, address or telephone number with
anyone online and to ask you before filling out forms for any kind of offer.
With these precautions, your children can safely surf the web.
4. Keep poisons
safely locked in a cabinet
As you know, cleaning supplies like bleach and ammonia can
be lethal if swallowed, but items like over-the-counter pain medication present
risks as well. Keep potential poisons like cleaning supplies and medications
safely locked in a secure cabinet to prevent accidental ingestion, especially
if kids arrive home before you do.
5. Exercise food
safety in the kitchen
Fussy kids might balk at eating anything green and leafy, so
make dinner together. As young children wash the vegetables, older kids stir
rice and you brown the meat. Discuss the importance of proper food handling.
Children can learn how to read the refrigerator thermometer, use different
cutting boards for meat and veggies and cool leftovers before placing them
into the fridge. With these habits, your children stay safe in the kitchen and
learn to eat a balanced diet.
After you’ve done your best to keep your kids safe at home,
relax. Kids will bring home germs from school and you won’t be able to sanitize
every surface they touch. Concentrate on proper hand-washing techniques and
take care of the safety measures you can control. Equip your kids to be safe
and trust that the lessons they learn at home will follow them when they are in
school or with friends.
About the Author:
Maire enjoys yoga, babysitting her nephews and walking her Scottish Terrier, Pete.
Maire enjoys yoga, babysitting her nephews and walking her Scottish Terrier, Pete.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
An Important Reminder
It seems that every once in a while (or maybe even a little more than "once in a while"), I'm reminded just how important it is for me to "just be myself."
A young mother.
A single mother.
And I'm reminded even more just how "okay" it is when I embrace it with grace and confidence.
Case in point: Last night, I attended a New Parent's Reception at the private school Aiden will be going to in the fall. As I walked into the fancy reception hall, I have to admit that I was a bit self-conscious. I'm human. It happens.
Now, I'm a pretty social person and can comfortably make my way around pretty much any social situation. But, last night, at first I was nervous to even talk to anyone.
But then something amazing happened. I remembered that, umm, I'm grown. And I did my due diligence to get my son a spot in the school -- just like every other parent in the room. So... I decided to accept that glass of Chardonnay that was being passed around and loosen up a bit. (But not in that order.)
And then something even more amazing happened. Once I decided to "be myself" by acting like the sweet, funny, social, and witty Alicia that I've grown to know and love, I noticed that people seemed to have liked her. A lot.
Then something even more amazing happened. (The evening just kept getting better and better, eh?) I spotted one of the admissions officers that I'd met a few months ago when Aiden and I were going through thedaunting meticulous admissions process. Naturally, I went over to say "hello" to her. As I walked up to her, she greeted me with a huge smile and opened her arms to give me a hug. Turns out, she's been reading this blog. And she's been very touched by it (hence her wanting to give me a hug). And she's been impressed by my being a young, single mom. Wowsa!
So there you have it.
After two years of telling myself that it's okay to be myself, I think I like who I'm becoming...
That's the thing about embracing who you are and owning it -- you just never know who you might touch. Or inspire.
Always remember that.
A young mother.
A single mother.
And I'm reminded even more just how "okay" it is when I embrace it with grace and confidence.
Case in point: Last night, I attended a New Parent's Reception at the private school Aiden will be going to in the fall. As I walked into the fancy reception hall, I have to admit that I was a bit self-conscious. I'm human. It happens.
Now, I'm a pretty social person and can comfortably make my way around pretty much any social situation. But, last night, at first I was nervous to even talk to anyone.
But then something amazing happened. I remembered that, umm, I'm grown. And I did my due diligence to get my son a spot in the school -- just like every other parent in the room. So... I decided to accept that glass of Chardonnay that was being passed around and loosen up a bit. (But not in that order.)
And then something even more amazing happened. Once I decided to "be myself" by acting like the sweet, funny, social, and witty Alicia that I've grown to know and love, I noticed that people seemed to have liked her. A lot.
Then something even more amazing happened. (The evening just kept getting better and better, eh?) I spotted one of the admissions officers that I'd met a few months ago when Aiden and I were going through the
So there you have it.
After two years of telling myself that it's okay to be myself, I think I like who I'm becoming...
That's the thing about embracing who you are and owning it -- you just never know who you might touch. Or inspire.
Always remember that.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Melon, Teal, and Twirls
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{dress, ring, necklace: H&M; shoes, clutch, cuff: Aldo} |
(And I may or may not have done twirls. The events of that night are still a bit fuzzy.)
What I do remember is that I donned this cute and feminine number to hit up the Lower East Side with my gals. No, not to celebrate two years of blogging. Although... that would have been pretty dope. But, to celebrate... life!
Oh yeah, and teal is my new favorite color.
Hope everyone's week was off to a stylish start!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Two Years
Last week I was hanging out with SG (yes, I gave it another shot) and we were talking about goals (no, it wasn't like a scene out of that Steve Harvey movie -- "What are your short term goals? What are your long term goals?" *Rolls eyes*). During our conversation, I mentioned to him that starting out strong means nothing unless you get to your finish line (or some variation of that statement).
That's the thing about goals -- we set them and we have beautiful beginnings with them.
And then... the real work begins. It can (and often does) get murky and messy somewhere in the middle. There are setbacks -- lots of 'em. So much so that sometimes the comebacks can seem as though they are few and far between, which makes it hard to stay afloat, to swim and not sink. This happens all. the. time.
But when we push pass the messy middle, when we buckle down and grind through, we can reach our finish line.
I say all of this to say that two years ago, I set out to create this community. I toyed with the idea for months before actually launching the site because my goals for the blog, the mission statement, and the words for the first post were rapidly rearranging themselves in my head. Sometimes they still rearrange themselves in my head because this place is ever-evolving, but I'm happy to report that the main goal of the blog is being achieved.
That goal is to inspire you. To encourage you to embrace who you are in it's entirety, whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between. To work it and rock it as best as you know how. And to never let anything or anyone allow you to forget how awesome you are and how much you're worth.
And I'm happy to report that after two years, I'm content with where I am in life. I feel confident to embrace my single mom status. I feel confident to embrace my young mom status. I feel confident to enjoy a night out with my gals while wearing a little black dress (as pictured) and still be present and available the next day with Aiden (as pictured).
Two years ago, as I hit the publish button on that first post, I didn't think that I'd be where I am today.
But I am.
And It feels good. I'm kinda loving it.
So... cheers to two years of kickassness, and hopefully many more!
That's the thing about goals -- we set them and we have beautiful beginnings with them.
And then... the real work begins. It can (and often does) get murky and messy somewhere in the middle. There are setbacks -- lots of 'em. So much so that sometimes the comebacks can seem as though they are few and far between, which makes it hard to stay afloat, to swim and not sink. This happens all. the. time.
But when we push pass the messy middle, when we buckle down and grind through, we can reach our finish line.
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{A&A at the Touch-A-Truck Street Fair in Midtown Manhattan} |
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{"Driving" the Con Edison truck} |
I say all of this to say that two years ago, I set out to create this community. I toyed with the idea for months before actually launching the site because my goals for the blog, the mission statement, and the words for the first post were rapidly rearranging themselves in my head. Sometimes they still rearrange themselves in my head because this place is ever-evolving, but I'm happy to report that the main goal of the blog is being achieved.
That goal is to inspire you. To encourage you to embrace who you are in it's entirety, whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between. To work it and rock it as best as you know how. And to never let anything or anyone allow you to forget how awesome you are and how much you're worth.
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{dress, necklace, ring: H&M; shoes: Aldo} |
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{Dora and Boots stopped by the Touch-A-Truck Street Fair} |
But I am.
And It feels good. I'm kinda loving it.
So... cheers to two years of kickassness, and hopefully many more!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Comfy in Bright Colors
I've been waiting for the perfect time to rock my new fave Tory Burch purse that I was gifted at a COVERGIRL & Olay media event a few weeks ago. This week, it finally happened. With the sun shining, it proved to not only be a great time to think about my favorite beauty trends, but also fashion finds.
Behold... bright and bold colors.
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[blazer, ring: H&M; jeans: American Eagle; blouse: F21; purse: Tory Burch; flats: Aldos; necklace: Lauren Nicole Gifts sunnies: David Yurman; cuff: The Junk Boutique] |
Are you guys having a fabulous and fashionable week? I sure hope so!
How to Shop for Affordable Healthcare
Written by Sara McFarland
There is something about the way department stores lay out bright new necklaces and that way the light catches the season’s hottest heels, that can turn the average woman into Carrie Bradshaw with a suddenly bottomless pocket book. Sometimes a gal can’t help it. We love to shop. However, the smart shopper in every woman also knows that she can’t splurge unless its an amazing deal. It’s 75% off of $4,000. How can I not get it?
So, it’s no big surprise to learn that women are also considered the healthcare shopping authority in most families. Female voices in healthcare debates have already been heard in 2012, just think about the online media and blogging world uproar that surrounded the Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood debacle. In other news, healthcare changes and the downward spiral of the medical economy have led to the commercialization and consumerism of healthcare services. This has forced healthcare providers to market their services in new ways, and guess who they are targeting. Women. By tapping into social media and e-commerce, healthcare marketing professionals are positioning commonly price-shopped procedures like Mammograms, MRIs and Ultrasounds just like Nordstrom positions gotta-have stilettos and cocktail dresses.
We’ll let the statistics speak for themselves, proving that health care marketing professionals are on the right track. A Kaiser Family Health Report sates that a shocking 80% of mothers say they are responsible for all healthcare choices in their family and 21% of all women say they are spending serious time price shopping for their care. But it doesn’t take statistics to prove that women are the decision-makers in these cases. Simply look at your family’s history of patient care, it was probably your mother that took you to appointments and helped you find doctors when you moved away from home the first time. Even if making those important decisions seemed daunting when you were younger, you are now taking control the same way your mother did for you.
Luckily for you, the mystically, cryptic worlds of medical costs are fading away thanks to industry challenges, allowing for transparency in the system to ring true. This means that women can now get the same deals on medical care that they can find on designer clothes, if they know where to look. After all, bargain shopping is all about knowing the secret spots.
Women account for 57% of Internet users, spend 2% more time online each day than males and are spending 12.5% of that time on e-commerce. E-commerce activity encompasses everything from price shopping to purchasing goods online, so it makes sense that sites like Save On Medical would be targeting price-sensitive patients through the Internet. When women shop, they want the best product possible at an affordable price. Unfortunately, consumerism has taught us that the more expensive the product, the more luxury the item and then the more we want to have it. This engrained belief is simply not true in regards to healthcare, where often times there is absolutely no correlation between price and quality care.
It’s easy to find half-off deals for Tory Burch Reva Flats on eBay, but the likelihood that they are knock-offs is high. Similarly, healthcare grading and pricing online could be convoluted and misleading before, but new sites like Save On Medical and Brighter are becoming invaluable resources for patients. They help patients find quality grades for physicians and dentists respectively, with accurate pricing, deals and the ability to book and then save money by paying online through secure portals. The common misconceptions regarding price and quality in healthcare can lead patients to getting trapped with medical bills that look like a Paris Hilton shopping spree at Neiman Marcus. No one wants to spend years paying off an MRI that cost $2,213 when you could have spent $300 at an equally as qualified and more personal facility. (Yes, that is a real price variation in Tampa, Florida.)
When you know what to look for and where to go for the best deals, you will be in the best position possible to save money. As women and mothers, we account for the majority of Internet, couponing and shopping population, so it is important to be well-informed shoppers and take advantage of the power we hold in the market. That way you have more money left over to spend on the fun things in life, like that trip to the spa you’ve been fantasizing about for months.
About the author:
Sara McFarland works as the Communications Specialist for the healthcare practice management company, Atlantic Health Solutions and is on the creative team for the price shopping and appointment booking web application; Save On Medical . With a background in creative writing and experience in healthcare marketing; Sara has found her niche in healthcare blogging. Working to provide useful resources to women so that they can better understand the healthcare system, her goal is to help women become educated on the best decisions for themselves and their families.
About the author:
Sara McFarland works as the Communications Specialist for the healthcare practice management company, Atlantic Health Solutions and is on the creative team for the price shopping and appointment booking web application; Save On Medical . With a background in creative writing and experience in healthcare marketing; Sara has found her niche in healthcare blogging. Working to provide useful resources to women so that they can better understand the healthcare system, her goal is to help women become educated on the best decisions for themselves and their families.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Cost-Effective Summer Beauty Trends

Thanks to Walgreens for underwriting this post. I was paid as a member of the Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all mine. Visit
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{dress, necklace, bag: H&M; sunnies: David Yurman} |
Summer's right around the corner and this delicious single mama couldn’t be more excited! (You know I’m a huge champion of mini skirts and summer is, like, min skirt season for me.)
But it's also the season for other trends. Beauty trends. And cost-effective beauty products that I can snag from my local drugstore. Here are a few of my fave trends and beauty products:
Hair, there, everywhere
I love to wear my hair down and out, but the summer humidity in NYC is sometimes no joke and causes my beautiful tresses to suffer a frizzy fate. So... topknots are my style of choice in the summer. They’re cute and easy, and accent all of my facial features. Can’t beat that! To create the look, I simply slather on a little bit of leave-in conditioner mousse (and sometimes a little bit of hair gel too) and brush my hair all up in a high ponytail. Once I wrap the remaining hair around in a bun, I'm good to go!
Facial features
I love, love, love applying and experimenting with makeup because it's so much fun! Usually, I'll apply Neutrogena’s Oil Free Moisturizer and then my foundation over it. (In fact, I’ve recently tried out the new COVERGIRL & Olay Tone Rehab 2-in-1 foundation base and it’s totally amaze! The foundation evens my skin tone to highlight my best features and the serum hydrates my skin.) But, in the summer, I sometimes like to go with tinted moisturizer because it’s quick and easy. Plus, it gives me a bit of a glow and sun protection. Score!
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{via} |
Nail it
Mani-pedis are an absolute must in the summer. (Actually, I enjoy mani-pedis all year round as part of my "mommy self-care" to-do list.) While I don’t always have time to head to the salon, I have lots of fun and festive nail polish colors in my bathroom so that I can switch up as deemed necessary. OPI and Essie are quite the contenders when I'm making polish choices. Oh, and nail art. Can't forget about nail art. I buy nail polish strips from the drugstore and just peel and apply.
Skin is in
Now, if I'm going to wear miniskirts and short shorts all season long, then I've gotta have radiant and smooth skin. My skin is pretty sensitive so I'm not one for soaps and lotions that have perfumes and frgrances in them. I like to keep it simple and stick to Aveeno for my skin.
What about you guys? What are your must-have beauty, hair, and skincare products for the summer?
{Disclaimer: This post is being sponsored by Walgreens. All opinions expressed herein are my own, duh!}
What about you guys? What are your must-have beauty, hair, and skincare products for the summer?
{Disclaimer: This post is being sponsored by Walgreens. All opinions expressed herein are my own, duh!}
Friday, May 11, 2012
Giveaway! SkinnyGirl Face and Body Set
Happy Mother's Day weekend! And Happy Friday! And Happy "Happy Hour" Day? (Oh, wait... am I the only one waiting for happy hour?)
Because you're so awesome, I've got a small giveaway for you today -- a SkinnyGirl Face and Body Set for three fabulous readers. Sweet, huh?
In case you didn't know, SkinnyGirl Face and Body was created by Bethenny Frankel (reality TV star, entrepreneur, and mom) who says that the secret to leading a balanced life is to remember to take a little time out of your day for you!
Could agree more, Bethenny. And that's precisely why I'm heading to happy hour after work today. Because, although I seriously kicked ass this week, this single mama is Tired. (Yes, with a capital "T.")
But I digress. Back to the giveaway.
Today, SkinnyGirl is graciously giving away the Body Solutions Body Set. It contains the Smoothing & Firming Body Lotion (with cranberry extract and coconut oil), the Smoothing & Firming Body Wash (with cranberry extract), and the Body Shimmer (with jojoba oil and olive oil).
There are three ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment saying that you want to win, because, you know, you're that fabulous.
2. Tweet this post and be sure to @MommyDelicious.
3. Share this post on Facebook and be sure to tag MommyDelicious.
Leave a separate comment (and your contact information) for each entry. THREE winners will be chosen on Tuesday, May 15th!
Good luck!
WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Chosen via, the winners are This Cookin Mom, Manda, and Cam... congrats! Look out for an email from me!
{Disclaimer: I am not being compensated for this post. I just wanted to give a small token of my appreciation to you lovelies for always kicking it with me.}
Because you're so awesome, I've got a small giveaway for you today -- a SkinnyGirl Face and Body Set for three fabulous readers. Sweet, huh?
In case you didn't know, SkinnyGirl Face and Body was created by Bethenny Frankel (reality TV star, entrepreneur, and mom) who says that the secret to leading a balanced life is to remember to take a little time out of your day for you!
Could agree more, Bethenny. And that's precisely why I'm heading to happy hour after work today. Because, although I seriously kicked ass this week, this single mama is Tired. (Yes, with a capital "T.")
But I digress. Back to the giveaway.
Today, SkinnyGirl is graciously giving away the Body Solutions Body Set. It contains the Smoothing & Firming Body Lotion (with cranberry extract and coconut oil), the Smoothing & Firming Body Wash (with cranberry extract), and the Body Shimmer (with jojoba oil and olive oil).
There are three ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment saying that you want to win, because, you know, you're that fabulous.
2. Tweet this post and be sure to @MommyDelicious.
3. Share this post on Facebook and be sure to tag MommyDelicious.
Leave a separate comment (and your contact information) for each entry. THREE winners will be chosen on Tuesday, May 15th!
Good luck!
WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Chosen via, the winners are This Cookin Mom, Manda, and Cam... congrats! Look out for an email from me!
{Disclaimer: I am not being compensated for this post. I just wanted to give a small token of my appreciation to you lovelies for always kicking it with me.}
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Things Not to Say to A Single Mom
Have you checked out the May issue of Redbook Magazine yet?
Well, you should!
Ali Sweeney (aka Sami Brandy) looks amaze as she graces the cover. Plus, I had the opportunity to chit-chat with her a few weeks back. What a doll!
But there's more.
There's a special "Single Moms" tribute and yours truly compiled a list of things NOT to say to a single mom, because, you know, some things are better left unsaid.
Grab one from your local newsstand today!
{I was not compensated for this post. I am a writer for the Redbook Magazine online mom blog in which compensation is received.}
Monday, May 7, 2012
Don't Just Give Up On Dating
Last week tennis player Serena Williams declared that she’s swearing off dating for the next decade. (Yep. You read that right: ten whole years without dating.)
She told Celebuzz, “I have given up on dating. I’m a really emotional person. I give my all and everything. I do make mistakes — like every human does — but the last relationship just was too much of a heartbreak for me. I just can’t go through that anymore. It was hard. [...] I just have to remove myself from that atmosphere for about the next decade or so.”
Ah, Serena, I see where you’re coming from. Really, I do. It can be hard to have faith in the dating process sometimes because it can be daunting. And if you find yourself going through a breakup, you can literally feel like you’re falling apart. I’ve certainly been there. So, I “get” it.
But here’s the thing, though: as trying and tiring as it can be, there are perfectly good reasons not to give up on dating. Here are six.
1. Dating can be interesting.
When you’re single and seeking, you have the opportunity to meet new people. When you land yourself a date, you have the opportunity to embrace new experiences. And even if Date Number One doesn’t lead to Date Number Two, Three, or Long-Term Relationship, you would have had an interesting experience to add to your dating diaries. And that’s pretty darn cool.
When you’re single and seeking, you have the opportunity to meet new people. When you land yourself a date, you have the opportunity to embrace new experiences. And even if Date Number One doesn’t lead to Date Number Two, Three, or Long-Term Relationship, you would have had an interesting experience to add to your dating diaries. And that’s pretty darn cool.
2. First date jitters are actually exciting.
You know that warm-and-fuzzy-butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling you get after you’ve secured a first date with someone that you think is really really cute, nice, and funny? You know that smile you smile on D-Day (Date Day)? You know that spark you feel when you arrive at your first date destination and you can just picture yourself having a good time? Yeah, if you give up on dating, you can kiss those things good-bye.
You know that warm-and-fuzzy-butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling you get after you’ve secured a first date with someone that you think is really really cute, nice, and funny? You know that smile you smile on D-Day (Date Day)? You know that spark you feel when you arrive at your first date destination and you can just picture yourself having a good time? Yeah, if you give up on dating, you can kiss those things good-bye.
Head on over to HowAboutWe Dating Blog, The Date Report to read the rest of my article. And, because I'm so good at self-pimping, feel free to "like" and/or tweet the article.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Single Guy Alert: Ashton's Got A Dating Video!
Things are about to get really sexy around these parts! No, I don't have an interesting, slightly snobbish, or yummy dating story to share with you (but, like, it would be so cool if I did, right?). It's because there's a hott single guy alert right... about... now... that's been discovered on a new series of YouTube Dating Videos.
The hott single guy?
Ashton Kutcher.
And in the video he's letting all the single ladies know that he's joined a dating website in his search for love.
There are several bachelors in this video and they are pretty hilarious. I LOL'd when Raj said he was looking for someone who is "Kardashian" hot. Eh, can't blame 'em.
I gotta admit -- I never thought I'd see the day that Mr. Punk'd himself would need a dating video to get a girl, but hey, to each his own. (He does look like he's got skills on that motorcycle though.)
I guess those rumors of Ashton and Rihanna or Ashton and Mila can be put to rest. My dude's single... and looking.
Check the video out for yourself and share your reaction!
{Disclaimer: Thanks to PopChips for sponsoring this post. All opinions expressed herein are my own.}
The hott single guy?
Ashton Kutcher.
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{Ashton} |
There are several bachelors in this video and they are pretty hilarious. I LOL'd when Raj said he was looking for someone who is "Kardashian" hot. Eh, can't blame 'em.
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{Raj} |
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{Swordfish} |
Check the video out for yourself and share your reaction!
{Disclaimer: Thanks to PopChips for sponsoring this post. All opinions expressed herein are my own.}
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
On Learning Hard Life Lessons
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{photo via} |
Today, I can't help but share a few of those "lessons" with you. So here it goes:
1. Everyone won't understand why you do certain things. It's cool though. They're not required to "get it." But you should try to understand the motives behind your actions. It's self-awareness. At its finest.
2. Your intuition probably knows more about your safety than you do. It always has your best interest at heart and it's always right. The sooner you learn to trust it, the better.
3. Everyone makes mistakes. Including you. Be forgiving of yourself. Learn the lesson. And move forward.
4. It's okay to express emotional generosity towards others. It doesn't make you weak. It makes you kind. ("Be kinder than necessary" is one of my favorite quotes.)
5. YOU define your worth and value, not others. And not their opinions of you either. YOU define it.
6. It's okay to agree to disagree with other people... without being disagreeable. (No need to argue, fight, or try to get people to see your point of view. Sometimes, it's okay to agree to disagree.)
7. It's perfectly fine to enjoy your personal and professional life... and still be a good mother. It makes you well-rounded.
8. Giving others the silent treatment will probably get you nowhere. Have the courage to express your thoughts and feelings... without being disagreeable.
9. "No." is a complete sentence. Learn to use it whenever deemed necessary.
10. Be humble enough to ask for help before things get too overwhelming.
11. Dysfunctional love is not real love. There comes a point when the "growing pains" end, and the "pain" pain begins. Learn to recognize when you've reached that point.
What would you add to this list? Kick knowledge!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Books for Kids Hosts "Read Everyday" at Scholastic! {GIVEAWAY}
I want to share something with you that's very near and dear to my heart. It's a non-profit organization that I've written about in detail on this site (several times, including once when I mentioned it in New York Family Magazine) and one who's mission I wholeheartedly believe in -- Books for Kids.
Books for Kids' mission is to promote literacy among all children, but they place a special emphasis on low-income and at-risk preschool-aged children. Why? Well, because they're the most vulnerable and they are also the ones who need to develop strong literacy skills the most. In order to do this, Books for Kids creates libraries, donates books, and partners with literacy programs to develop the early foundation and skills that young children need to be successful in life.
And in order to create, donate, and build, they need to raise. Money. Lots of it.
And so.
This weekend, Books for Kids will be hosting an event here in NYC that I think will be epic. (And I'm not just saying that.) There will be family activities, storytelling, performances, and lots more on Sunday, May 6th from 1pm -- 4pm at the Scholastic Store in SoHo.
Of course, Aiden and I will be there. And it'll be great to see you there too.
In fact, I want you there so badly that I'm offering one (1) Mommy Delicious reader a family pack of four tickets. How cool is that?! All you have to do is leave a comment saying you want it and a winner will be chosen on Friday, May 4th. But please, leave your contact information in the comments section so that I can get in touch with you if you win. Okay? Okay.
Want an extra entry? Tweet this giveaway (just once!) and leave a separate comment saying that you've done so.
Check the flyer out below and then head here to purchase your tickets. Hope to see you there!
WINNER ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to Aisha G! Look out for an email from me!
Books for Kids' mission is to promote literacy among all children, but they place a special emphasis on low-income and at-risk preschool-aged children. Why? Well, because they're the most vulnerable and they are also the ones who need to develop strong literacy skills the most. In order to do this, Books for Kids creates libraries, donates books, and partners with literacy programs to develop the early foundation and skills that young children need to be successful in life.
And in order to create, donate, and build, they need to raise. Money. Lots of it.
And so.
This weekend, Books for Kids will be hosting an event here in NYC that I think will be epic. (And I'm not just saying that.) There will be family activities, storytelling, performances, and lots more on Sunday, May 6th from 1pm -- 4pm at the Scholastic Store in SoHo.
Of course, Aiden and I will be there. And it'll be great to see you there too.
In fact, I want you there so badly that I'm offering one (1) Mommy Delicious reader a family pack of four tickets. How cool is that?! All you have to do is leave a comment saying you want it and a winner will be chosen on Friday, May 4th. But please, leave your contact information in the comments section so that I can get in touch with you if you win. Okay? Okay.
Want an extra entry? Tweet this giveaway (just once!) and leave a separate comment saying that you've done so.
Check the flyer out below and then head here to purchase your tickets. Hope to see you there!
WINNER ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to Aisha G! Look out for an email from me!
eBay Celebrates Mother's Day by Creating New Memories
Happy May lovelies!
(Seriously, though... can you believe it's May already?! Where is the time going?!)
Last month was extra special because, well, it was my birthday, and that was all kinds of awesome. This month is also special because it's the month of mothers and, well, we're all kinds of awesome. Word!
How awesome?
So awesome that eBay is celebrating us by "Creating New Memories" and hosting a few really good (really, really good) social media giveaways.
But don't get excited just yet.
To kick off the month, along with Splash Creative Media, eBay will be hosting a Twitter Party (hashtag #eBayMom) For Moms TODAY May 1st from 3-5pm (12-2pm PT) and fabulous party goers (that would be YOU!) will have a chance to win a $25 eBay gift card every fifteen minutes. $25 eBay gift card. Every. Fifteen. Minutes.
But don't get excited just yet.
eBay is making your Mother's Day shopping super easy and super convenient by putting together this savvy gift guide. Of course I checked it out and can tell you that it has loads of items that your mommies might like. (Psst: it can also serve as a starting point of "what to sell" this month for those of you looking to make a few extra bucks.) The list, which is organized by category, is being updated regularly so be sure to check back regularly to keep abreast with the additions.
Okay... now you can get excited! *e-Flips*
Hope to "see" you at the Twitter party!
{Disclaimer: As an eBay Parent Panel Ambassador, this post is sponsored by eBay. All opinions expressed herein are my own.}
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