
Friday, January 11, 2013

Almost Getting It [Kind of] Together

I’d like to think that I’m pretty put together.

I have a very demanding job and go to work and give it my best. I make conscious decisions about parenting and try my best to think things through whenever it pertains to Aiden. I write almost daily so that I can update this space and meet other freelance deadlines that I have. I workout. Most of the time. I make healthy eating choices and drink lots of water. Most of the time. I take time for myself when I can and I also make time for friendships. Most of the time. Oh, and I go to church to work on my relationship with God.

From the outside looking in, I’ve got it together. Most of the time.

But I’m not Super Woman.

In fact, I’m nowhere near being Super Woman. And sometimes I’m holding things together by a thread. A very thin thread. Sometimes I forget things. Sometimes I take longer than I expected to adjust to new things. Sometimes I want to kick and scream and throw a tantrum because I’m stressed out. Sometimes… life kicks my ass.

But when I wear my burdens lightly and gracefully, I come off as “strong" and "capable" and "Super Woman." The trouble with that is, people think that I’ve got it all figured out and that I'm always put together.

I don’t have it all figured out. I don't pretend to, either. I'm not always put together. I don't pretend to be, either. I'm pretty transparent about that on this place and space. Sometimes… life kicks my ass.

But I’m working on it. I’m working hard at it. And I’m putting it together. And I’m trying to keep it together. 

I hardly ever watch the show Girls, but I saw the tagline on a bus last night and it spoke to me – “Almost getting it kind of together.”

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. 


  1. Yeah, this is truth. I learned a long time ago not to think people have their stuff together all of the time. Comparing yourself to that ideal will drive you crazy!

  2. Speak to me! Like Mimi, I've always looked at people and wondered how they had it all together without thinking that looks and appearances can be deceiving. But coveting their "well-put-together lives" caused me to lose much of myself and I had to stop that. Now, I focus on me and being as put together as I can be. And it's great.

  3. "And sometimes I’m holding things together by a thread. A very thin thread." - If that ain't the truth!! I think we can all relate LOL. Most of us won't admit that though. At least, not out loud.

  4. Life is a growth process. I don't know anybody who will ever have it ALL together all the time. Or at least, I know that I don't. I've learned to not feel pressured to try to live up that 'Super Woman' ideal that a lot of people think moms should have.

    It's just not possible. All we can do is our best and yes, along the way we will find ourselves hanging by threads every now and then.

  5. I think we'd all like to be Super Woman, but it's not realistic. But you're doing a pretty good job. :)

  6. AMEN! We all keep growing and enduring! Know your limitations and trust in yourself!!


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