
Friday, January 18, 2013

What Moms Want From President Obama

[photo via]
I'm not here to tell you want moms want. I'm here to ask you. I'm writing a piece for an online publication and we want to know what you want to see from Obama in his second term. So whether you voted for him or not, and no matter where you stand politically, I would love to here your opinions on the following:
  • healthcare
  • education
  • gun control laws
  • environmental issues
  • anything else you deem important
Your name and age (if you feel comfortable sharing it) will be included with your quote. You can either leave your quote in the comments section or email it to me directly at

Let's have America hear our voices.

Ready... set... GO! 


  1. Kelasia 33 To deny education to the economically challenged is to deny them access to the American Dream. I urge you to fight on in your battle for Financial Aid that can ultimately level the playing field in many ways. My truest deepest desire is to see another Million Man (of all races) March with Presidential support. The state of the family in today's society is the cause of many of our ills. It has be strengthened on all levels, not just in communities of poverty. There are many ongoing efforts of improvement for women, we need them for our men.

  2. Health care is an extremely important issue. 1/2 my paycheck each week goes to family health insurance. Thank goodness we are a 2-income household, otherwise, it would be difficult to make ends meet. I hold a Master's degree and make a decent salary, so this is pretty sad to me. Related to this, our mental health system is a disgrace. I work in the social work field so see on a daily basis, the lack of solid resources and supports and what nurses and social workers have to do to keep people in the community by a thread.

    I also will probably be paying off my student loans until the day I die. Maybe our country could forgive loans for more helping and medical professionals and this could improve our health care system, and help create jobs.

    ~A, 30's, Long Island, NY

  3. Creating laws that protect the innocent against gun happy maniacs is something that this country desperately needs. At the moment ANYONE can get a gun, even the mentally unstable. We need to find a way to keep assault weapons out of the hands of civilians and anyone who owns a gun need to be thoroughly screened...and then held accountable for that weapon.

  4. I hope to see POTUS make the world realize that marriage is between LOVE & LOVE. In addition, I want to women to receive just as much pay as men receive for the work that they put in.

  5. Health care is definitely important. Unfortunately the mortality rate of women giving birth is increasing not only in the US but also in other countries. I think all leaders should ensure safety of each women and their here


I love reading what you have to say!