
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Should Women Wait to Have Children?

That's the question at hand.

This week, The New York Times is debating the topic and it's titled, "Should Women Delay Motherhood?" There are several responses for the pro side and for the con side, and yours truly had the opportunity to weigh in.

Here's my two-cents:

I was 23 years old when I found myself sitting on the bathroom toilet starring down at a positive pregnancy test. It was 2006. I had just graduated from Columbia University and had plans to go to grad school and begin a career in education.

I did not have plans to become a mother, certainly not at that young age. I wanted to work hard, have fun with my friends, travel and embrace spontaneity.  

Read more of my article, "I'm a Young Mom With No Regrets" over on The New York Times and please spread the love by "liking" and sharing the article.


I love reading what you have to say!